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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

什么时候喝酵素最好? // Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人

什么时候喝酵素最好? // Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人


喝酵素一般是建议早、晚空腹喝,不过因为每个人的体质和具体情况有差别,不同的人喝酵 素的最佳时间有细微差异。 

A. 胃不好、便秘、容易消化不良胀气的人,应该选择晚饭后 30—40 分钟后喝酵素,帮助消 化。 

B. 如果是有胃病的话,建议选择饭前饮用酵素,让酵素直接作用于胃部效果好一些。只是, 要注意的是,最开始还是采取饭后饮用一段时间,先让胃部适应酵素,否则一开始就饭前 饮用,胃部会受不了刺激。 

C. 老年人应该选择饭后半小时至 1 小时饮用,勿睡前饮用,否则容易导致夜尿。 

D. 神经紧张、容易失眠、工作压力大的人,最好选择睡前半小时喝酵素,以达到最好的促进 睡眠,改善血液循环的作用。 

E. 要减肥的人建议空腹服用。最好早上空腹喝酵素,可以排掉昨天残留的废料,清理体内环 境,调节免疫能力。晚上睡前半小时(大概晚饭后 3 到 4 小时)服用酵素,可以代谢当天 的食物,吸收有效营养。还可以餐前 30 分前空腹服用。

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

酵素能帮助减肥吗?// Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人

酵素能帮助减肥吗?// Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人



可以,Sleeping Beau'D 所含的是天然瘦身成分和温和性纤维,主要是帮助自然排毒与瘦身。白芸 豆是淀粉阻滞剂,能有效防止淀粉被体内吸收形成糖份而变成多余的脂肪。左旋肉碱和生咖啡提 取物能加速脂肪新陈代谢,减少身体脂肪含量。同时酵素帮助调节肠胃系统健康,把身体毒素排 出去。 但是 Sleeping Beau'D 酵素不是专门的减重食品,而是减肥辅助品!因为很多人的肥胖是脾胃失 和,不消化不吸收、宿便堆积,小肚子大的人更是如此!减重最终还是要落实到“管住嘴,迈开 腿”!如果一边吃着酵素,另一边不控制饮食,那吃再多酵素都没用!除了吃酵素调理脾胃之 外,还需要运动!

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

wechat : verniselim

我喝了酵素为什么只是排便一次甚至没有? // Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人

我喝了酵素为什么只是排便一次甚至没有? // Sleeping Beau'D 睡美人

1. 我喝了酵素为什么只是排便一次甚至没有? 

解答: 酵素促进排便效果因人而异,因为每个人体质不一样,所以也有人在服用酵素后,不能順利排 便,甚至前期有加重便秘的现象,主要有以下几种原因: 

a) 肠胃不适 

肠胃系统不佳的人,酵素会起到強大的修复作用,幫助身体找出這些问题,同时调节肠胃系统恢 复健康,在整个修復過程前期,腸道黏膜紧张,蠕动僵硬,會影响排便。 寒性体质的人通常也有胃寒的情况,而胃寒的人如果有便秘的话,情况会比较严重,喝完酵素后 肠道中之前堵塞的垃圾反而会因为酵素的清理作用让肠道的垃圾一下子都往肠道后面涌,最后造 成肠道短暂性的堵塞,所以会出现更不容易排便的问题。 

b) 水分不足 

Sleeping beauD 含有高纤维成分,吸水膨胀以后,就像很溫柔的小刷子可以把腸道裡所有的垃圾都 帶出來。如果水喝的不夠的話,腸道就不夠湿润,也會造成暂时的排便困难。有些人身体的缺水 是长期的,剛喝一兩次足量的水还不夠。所以会需要一段時間的修复。 

c) 身体机能降低 

生活和饮食不规律、经常熬夜的人体内毒素会比较多,而且由於身体机能下降,如呼吸系统和血 液循环系统,容易導致身体供氧不足,身体缺氧造成酵素产生一系列不完全的氧化反应,如此一 來腸道內便会造成蠕动不良的现象,所以形成便秘。也會因此产生许多甲烷等气体,因此放屁次 数变多。 

d) 生活习惯影响 

服用酵素期间,进食量少或水分不足,對结肠运动的刺激減少,或因工作紧张、生活节奏过快、 工作性质和上班時間、精神因素,也是造成便秘的原因之一。而早上起床时由于晚上肠道蠕动減 缓,一般体内會堆积很多气体和毒素,所以早起空腹饮用一杯清水,既可清理毒素,又可加快肠 道蠕动。 

e) 对其他产品产生依赖 

吃过辅助排泄、一些拉肚子酵素的人,一开始吃 Sleeping beauD 会出现便秘严重的情况,因为身 体已经对那些东西产生依赖,请保持耐心坚持继续吃这款酵素,给肠胃一段修复的时间,之后都 会很顺畅。经过这两年客户的反馈,只要是以前在吃容易拉的酵素或药品,都会出现再吃这种健 康的酵素就会反而便秘的情况。如果吃带有泻性的产品时间越长,便秘的情况就越明显。 就算你不便秘,也要把酵素吃上!酵素不仅让我们消化系统正常运转,还帮助我们把好的有营养 的东西吸收,把废旧和毒素排出体外!所以才有“肠道年轻,人才年轻”这句话!消化好了,代 谢好了,毒素就排出去了,那你的皮肤又可以漂亮哦。


whatsapp 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

doTERRA Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia

doTERRA Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia

Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis

While it is frequently used for cooking, Rosemary has long been revered by many cultures for its internal benefits and energizing scent.

Primary Benefits

-Supports healthy digestion
-Supports healthy respiratory function

-Helps reduce nervous tension and occasional fatigue

doTERRA Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia

Aromatic Description
Camphoraceous, Herbaceous

Collection Method
Steam Distilation

Plant Part
Flower, Leaf

Main Constituents
1, 8-Cineole, α-pinene, camphor

doTERRA Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia


Rosemary is an aromatic, evergreen shrub whose leaves are frequently used to flavor foods such as stuffings, pork, roast lamb, chicken, and turkey. Along with its culinary applications, Rosemary has many benefits. Rosemary supports healthy digestion* and internal organ function.* Long revered by experts, Rosemary was considered sacred by the ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew cultures. Rosemary's herbaceous and energizing scent is frequently used in aromatherapy. Taken internally, it helps to reduce nervous tension and occasional fatigue.*


-Diffuse while studying to maintain concentration.
-Take internally to help reduce nervous tension and occasional fatigue.*

-Add 1–2 drops of Rosemary essential oil to meats and favorite entrées for flavoring and to support healthy digestion.*

doTERRA Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity. See additional cautions below.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

迷迭香精油 Rosmarinus officinalis // doTERRA Malaysia // 华文解说

doTERRA Wild Orange Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia

doTERRA Wild Orange Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia

Wild Orange  Citrus sinensis

With multiple health benefits and an energizing aroma that can uplift the mind and body, Wild Orange has become one of doTERRA’s top selling essential oils.

Primary Benefits

-Powerful cleanser and purifying agent
-Supports healthy immune function
-Uplifting to the mind and body

doTERRA Wild Orange Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia

Aromatic Description
Sweet, fresh, citrus

Collection Method
Cold Pressed/Expressed

Plant Part
Orange rinds (peel)

Main Constituents

doTERRA Wild Orange Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia


Cold pressed from the peel, Wild Orange is one of doTERRA’s top selling essential oils due to its energizing aroma and multiple health benefits.* High in monoterpenes, Wild Orange possesses stimulating and purifying qualities, making it ideal to support healthy immune system function.* It can be taken daily to cleanse the body* or used on surfaces as a natural cleaner. Diffusing Wild Orange will energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the air. Wild Orange enhances any essential oil blend with a fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma.


-Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify surfaces.
-Add a drop to your water every day for a burst of flavor and to promote overall health.
-Diffuse to uplift mood and energy levels and to freshen the air.

-For an energizing boost, dispense one to two drops in the palm of your hand along with equal parts Peppermint and Frankincense. Rub palms together and inhale deeply from palms, then rub on the back of neck

doTERRA Wild Orange Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

野橘精油 Citrus sinensis // doTERRA Malaysia // 华文解说

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Product NameApple Stemcel Fiber 
Slogan:Rescue, Replace Aged and Degenerated Stem Cells 
Net weight:12g X 15Sachets

Scientists found a novel stem cell of cultivated apple tree. It has a rare & extraordinary longevity. 

-Ability to rejuvenate aging skin 
-Increase the longevity of skin cells 

-Helps to maintain pH (intestinal) 
-Suppress pathogenic bacteria 
-Improve digestion system 
-Relieve constipation 
-Retain serum triglyceride in healthy level to prevent obesity Stem Cells 
-Develop into different specialized cells 
-Ability to divide for indefinite period

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Product Description: 

Apple Stemcel Fiber promote the longevity of skin cell; the main agent to stimulate 80% of cell regeneration. 

Apple Stemcel Fiber comprised of perfect anti aging agent, such as Apple Stem Cells (Switzerland), Fibersol-2 (Soluble), Wild ginseng stem cell, Red Beet Root Extract, Aloe Vera, Silybum marianum (milk thistle), Spinach. This product helps to Improve gastrointestinal system, to soothe the liver, enhance metabolism, to extraordinary longevity of cell, activate cell fiber's proliferation, cell renewable and differentiation, continuously repair or replenish damaged cell and tissues.

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


1. Detoxification 

Detoxify & cleanse our body. It helps to purify blood by removing toxin from our body as well as to boost the intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation.

2.Healthy Slimming

High soluble Apple Stemcel Fiber will increase 10 to 15 times in volume and weight after dissolving in water, thus easily fulfil appetite. It helps to avoid the excessive accumulation of body fat due to the low absorption of fat and weight control achieved without starving problem.

3.Cell Rejuvenating 

Combination toxin/waste with dietary fiber will be easily removed from the body. Besides that, dietary fiber will restrict the absorption of toxin into blood through in gastrointestinal, thus the sufficient blood circulation system will improve skin cell vitality and rejuvenating by reducing acne and skin pigmentation. 

4.Internal cell repair system 

It capable to renew & regenerate stem cell; Ability to repair & replenish other cells; activate cell fiber's proliferation, prevent aging; cell renewable and differentiation, continuously repair or replenish damaged cell and tissues.


It helps to retain body moisture level and boost the new cell regeneration. ASF also boost the growth of probiotic in gastrointestinal system in order to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria to improve immune system and helps to retain triglyceride in healthy level.

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Product Speciality: 

1. A scientist, Dr. Fred Zull from Switzerland found that an extract derived from stem cell accelerate 80% of cell regeneration. It has tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin. 

2. This product has been awarded with the applied innovation and natural ingredients in Australia. 

3. Advanced biotechnology combines with eastern and western medications. 

4. Reverse aging & cells rejuvenating. 

5. Raw ingredients is high quality, free of preservatives and additives. 

6. Concentrated, high purity and free of additives. 

7. The product has passed SGS test. 100% free of medication, heavy metal and pesticide.

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Main Ingredients: 

Apple Stem Cells (Switzerland), Fibersol-2 (Soluble), Wild ginseng stem cell, Red Beet Root Extract, Aloe Vera, Silybum marianum (milk thistle), Spinach.

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Direction of use: 

Add 150 ml of cool water with one sachet (12g) of Naturini Apple Stemcel Fiber. Stir well and serve. Consume before bedtime and drink a lot of water.

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Within 7-14 days 
Body Detoxification & Healthy slimming 

Within 21-30 
To Replenish Health Persistency

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

苹果干细胞 Apple Stemcel Fiber Chinese

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

马来西亚快递空运有限公司// 重量计算




马来西亚快递空运有限公司// 重量计算

“抛重”就是所谓的Volume Metric.
体积重量(Volume Weight)的计算方法

长度(cm)x宽度(cm)x高度(cm)/ 5000= xxx

马来西亚快递空运有限公司// 重量计算





Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞 Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


苹果干细胞結合各种优质的修护、抗老化活性成分“水溶性纤维 Fibersol-2、野人参花干细胞、甜菜根、水飛薊、菠菜及芦荟”,是一种全面由内而外的改善身体,净化肝脏、促进新陈代谢、同时延长细胞的生命力,刺激人体皮肤干细胞再生,启动机体休眠的干细胞,积极的修复受损的干细胞。

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

1. 排除体内毒素 
2. 健康窈窕 
3. 强效抗老 
4. 细胞修复 
5. 美肤润肠

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


1. 排除体内毒素 




苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia







苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia




苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia






苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia




苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


1、瑞士科学家Dr. Fred Zulli研究发现了苹果干细胞-促进80%的细胞再生。其抗老化的功效十分神奇。 


3、结合生物科技领域、中药医学、 生物医学。 





苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


苹果干细胞、水溶性纤维 Fibersol-2、野人参花干细胞、甜菜根、水飛薊、菠菜及芦荟。

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia


睡前饮用,每一次一包苹果干细胞纤维配合一杯150毫升(12g)的冷开水饮用,搅拌均匀后饮用。饮用后请多喝水。家庭式:7-14 天体内环保、健康窈窕排毒饮食法。21-30 天体内环保、健康调整体质法 。

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia



2、孕妇和哺乳期妇女不要服用 。

苹果干细胞Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol // Malaysia

产品容量:  12g X 15包

Whatsapp : 014-3388784

Wechat : verniselim

Apple Stemcel Fiber English