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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

NEW Promotion !!! Authentic Peppermint doTERRA Essential Oil FREE Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

NEW Promotion !!! Authentic Peppermint doTERRA Essential Oil FREE Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

NEW Promomotion !!! Authentic Peppermint doTERRA Essential Oil FREE Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products. Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral hygiene, Peppermint also helps alleviate occasional stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function.* Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among doTERRA essential oils. 

- Use a drop of Peppermint with Lemon in water for a healthy, refreshing mouth rinse. 
- Take one to two drops in a Veggie Capsule to alleviate occasional stomach upset.
- Add two to three drops to your favorite smoothie recipe for a refreshing twist. 
- Place one drop in palm of hand with one drop Wild Orange and one drop Frankincense and inhale for a mid-day pick-me-up. 

Directions for Use 
- Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of yourchoice. 
- Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 
- Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity 

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

薄荷精油 Peppermint Mentha piperita // doTERRA Malaysia // 华文解说

English for doTERRA :

Apple Stemcel Fiber Sol

Product Name: Apple Stemcel Fiber Product 
Description: Apple Stemcel Fiber promote the longevity of skin cell; the main agent to stimulate 80% of cell regeneration. 

1. Detoxification
2.Healthy Slimming 
3.Cell Rejuvenating 
4.Internal cell repair system 
5.Beautifying Product 


1. A scientist, Dr. Fred Zull from Switzerland found that an extract derived from stem cell accelerate 80% of cell regeneration. It has tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin.

2. This product has been awarded with the applied innovation and natural ingredients in Australia. 
3. Advanced biotechnology combines with eastern and western medications. 

4. Reverse aging & cells rejuvenating. 

5. Raw ingredients is high quality, free of preservatives and additives.

6. Concentrated, high purity and free of additives. 

7. The product has passed SGS test. 100% free of medication, heavy metal and pesticide. 

Direction of use: 
Add 150 ml of cool water with one sachet (12g) of Naturini Apple Stemcel Fiber. Stir well and serve. Consume before bedtime and drink a lot of water.

苹果干细胞 Apple Stemcel Fiber Chinese

Apple Stemcel Fiber English 

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